We, the ESG TIMES team, extend our heartfelt appreciation for Dr. Murali Thummarukudi for his unwavering commitment to the cause of sustainability and his readiness to launch ESG TIMES (www.esgtimes.in). His dedication to promoting sustainability and taking meaningful action on climate issues is truly inspiring.

Dr. Murali Thummarukudi’s involvement in our portal’s launch not only adds tremendous credibility but also highlights the importance of our shared mission. His expertise in crisis management and his role as the Director of the G20 Global Initiative Coordination Office at UNCCD make the support invaluable.

We are deeply honored to have Dr. Murali Thummarukudi as a part of this endeavor and are excited to embark on this journey with his guidance. His commitment to sustainability and climate action serves as a beacon for us all, and we are grateful for his support in our quest to shed light on critical ESG matters.

We thank him for being a driving force in the fight for a more sustainable and equitable world.